Dream Worlds [and Open Systems]


Introducing Dream Worlds [ and Open Systems ], a metaphysical journey of courage, mystery, and the human system.

The story follows a girl and her adventures during the summer months of her first year in town. Written for young adults of all ages, it will also appeal to middle grade readers.

Her dreams were troubling her, but that wasn’t half of what she had in store. Jan finally found the courage to enter the forest, but what she encountered was far more than she had bargained for.

“Illustrations by the Author”

Should there be illustrations in novels? My response? Of course there should! If we as a culture are moving from text-based articles to vlogs, from text-based books to audio books — and if many nonfiction works include illustrations as a matter of course, why should we omit visual enhancements from novels “just because”? At any rate, I have always loved illustrated fiction.

Ever since I was a little girl, I would spend hours studying the printed layout of classic books and how they looked overall. And I was always really enamored by those novels that included illustrations by the author.…

Always Writing Something

About the Author

Ellen has been writing stories since grade school, starting out with single-page exercises in class, and continuing with staple-bound epics of seven or eight pages apiece — usually dedicated to her mom. Because it was Ellen’s mom and grandfather who instilled her love of children’s books.

Ellen is busy honing her first novel: Dream Worlds [and Open Systems] while she studies Galactic Astrology.

A Family Habit

Ellen’s Grandpa Carl, a humourist and writer at BBDO advertising agency in the 1930s, was wont to frequent used book stores in the Buffalo area. He would return home to …

You’ll Never Guess What I Saw…

This fun “Acrostic Story” was prompted by an expired contest from Brucedale Press in Ontario. It should be easy enough to spot the parameters — follow the link ↑ to confirm your suspicion!

You’ll never guess what I saw on my way to pick up supplies for my daughter’s school project. XL: that was the shirt size she insisted on. Where did she get a nonsense idea like that?…