Soul Realignment

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Soul Realignment® sessions are a kind of Akashic Records reading.

Uncovering Your Soul Gifts

Identifying our own divine qualities can assist us in making more empowered and aligned choices in our lives.

Soul Profile (Part One)

  • What are your unique Soul gifts and characteristics?
  • Where in the Galaxy have spent significant lives?
  • How do your divine qualities help shape and influence your personality, expectations, and reactions?

Identifying Patterns

Your intentions, your loving guides, and your Higher Self will highlight your soul’s habits from your past that are most relevant to whatever you might be trying to accomplish. Patterns either advance us or hold us back, and this session can be a powerful change agent.

Understanding our past lives can bring clarity, understanding, and often closure on repeating patterns we may have been experiencing.

Past Lives (Part Two)

  • What patterns from past events might you still be processing or “re‑living,” emotionally, spiritually, or psychologically?
  • Are there any patterns that have originated in your current life? I receive only very general information about your present life!

At the end of each Past Lives session, I will facilitate an energetic clearing to help you push the “reset” button on your outlook, and start living beyond whatever past life experiences we identified.

A Full Session Includes Parts One and Two

A Soul Profile (part one) is needed before I can take a look at your life patterns in a Past Lives reading (part two). The two parts can be done together in one Full Session. After your first Past Lives reading you may book a Follow-Up where we will uncover different life-changing patterns.

How It Works

Before I can access your Akashic Records for a Soul Realignment reading, I will need four pieces of information from you. When you book a session, the intake form will prompt you for:

  1. Your full name now
  2. Your name at birth
  3. Your date of birth
  4. Your birth location

All Soul Realignment sessions are conducted remotely by Zoom or by phone (audio). A recording of the call will be sent to you shortly after the session.

Once you’ve paid for a session using one of the links below, I’ll email you so we can schedule our meeting.


Soul Realignment Sessions

Full Soul Realignment Session — 2 hours

Available to First-time Soul Realignment clients.

Soul Profile + Past Lives Reading + Clearing/Healing

A comprehensive session including your divine characteristics and and exploration of past lives.

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$ 333 USD
  • Identifies fundamental aspects of your Soul’s blueprint (only needed once).
  • Allow at least two hours for a Full Soul Realignment session.

Soul Profile Session (Part One) — 1 hour

Available to First-time Soul Realignment clients.

Soul Profile Only (No Past Lives or Clearing)

This session is equivalent to the first part of a Full reading and looks at your unique Soul gifts.

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$ 177 USD

A Soul Profile session does not include past lives or energetic clearing of your Akashic Records. However I always support each session with Reiki and other positive energetic intentions.

  • Identifies fundamental aspects of your Soul’s blueprint (only needed once).
  • Allow at least one hour for a Soul gifts session.

Past Lives/Follow-Up Session (Part Two) — 1 hour

Available to Returning Soul Realignment clients.

Past Lives/Follow-Up Session + Clearing/Healing

This session is the same as the second part of a Full reading and explores relevant past life patterns.

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$ 177 USD
  • Each Past Lives session will cover different lives and patterns. It can be repeated as many times as desired.
  • Allow at least one hour for a Past Lives session.