Dream Worlds [and Open Systems]

  • 3Mins
  • 409Words

Introducing Dream Worlds [ and Open Systems ], Ellen’s upcoming debut novel.

Based on some of her own dreams and habit of metaphysical thinking, the story follows a girl and her adventures during the summer months of her first year in town. Written ostensibly for teens, its appeal extends to middle grade readers and young adults of all ages. 

Her dreams were troubling her, but that wasn’t half of what she had in store. Jan finally found the courage to enter the forest, but what she encountered was far more than she had bargained for.

This book had its inception thanks to coach, colleague, and friend Marla Kelly. The spark was fanned into flame by intuitive writing coach and radio personality Debbi Dachinger. Debbi sent out an email blast which Ellen received on a very auspicious day in February, the two connected, and writing commenced.

Always Writing Something 

Ellen has been writing stories since grade school, starting with single-page exercises in class and continuing with staple-bound epics of seven or eight pages apiece, usually dedicated to her mom. In fact it was Ellen’s mom and grandfather who instilled her love of what was then collectively known as “children’s books.” 

A Family Habit

Ellen’s Grandpa Carl, a humourist and writer at BBDO advertising agency in the 1930s, was wont to frequent used book stores in the Buffalo area, and would return home to his family carting a good many of the hardbound classics that are still in Ellen’s library today. 

In the 1980s, while Ellen was still in high school, her mom (Carl’s daughter) Anne returned to university to obtain her masters in library science. Soon afterwards she became the head of children’s services (“The Children’s Room”) at their town’s extensive and well-regarded public library. Ellen’s fond memories of browsing the stacks of “J Fic” fiction and fantasy as a child transformed into a nostalgic return — in practical terms — during Anne’s days at the head of the department.

A Career In Publishing 

After Ellen’s undergraduate schooling was complete, she began a 30+ year career as a professional graphic and instructional designer, starting out in the standard B2B milieu and eventually gravitating towards graphics for educational publishing, her first love. 

Ellen is delighted to explore her favourite genre from the other side: the writing desk.

Dream Worlds [ and Open Systems ] will be published under Ellen’s Canadian imprint: Shadow Bay Press.